≪過去1年以内に発行されたご本人様のみのもの≫ ※個人番号(マイナンバー)の記載されている住民票はお預かりできませんので記載しないでください。
・If you have a driver's license, please be sure to bring it with you.
・Residence Card(We do not accept if the date of your residency card is expired.)
・Please prepare an IC card.WAON (Aeon, etc.)
nanaco (7-Eleven, etc.)
Edy Card
If you are unable to provide an IC card at the time of application, it is acceptable to bring it at a later date.
・student ID card(Students, please bring your student ID card.)should have valid expiry date.・学生証(学生の方は学生証をお持ちください。)